A Tribute To The Kind Donors & Families Who Have Donated
Since the year 2007, we have adopted this policy of returning Good Merits to those who are less fortunate; we will donate a portion of the fees collected from our customers for Geomancy aka Fengshui services provided. This is the best way to benefit our customers by generating Good Merits for them and their families by using their names to do the donations, which will ultimately also benefit those who needs our support.
After our donation to Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home in 2014, we were very happy to receive feedbacks from our customers that they actually liked the idea of being involved in such meaningful event and were delighted to have joined us in our charity events. Thus, we have decided to continue engaging our customers to participate in future events and that is mostly possible if we have our events locally.
This year, we organized our yearly charity event at Man Fut Tong Nursing Home “萬佛堂疗养院” situated at Woodlands through the Abbot of Man Fut Tong Lin Chee Cheng Sia Temple“萬佛堂莲池精舍” 14E/F Richards Avenue. Tel 62824966.
We requested for a list from the Nursing Home so that we can buy specific and useful medical items for the Pioneer Generations who are residing at the Nursing Home. We also arranged for some buffet and helped to serve to them during the lunch hour. It was a memorable event because we were able to get our customers to come down together and participate in this meaningful event.
There are many things that we can do to return to society and I am sure that many of us are doing our best to help in whatever little ways that we can. Please keep up this act of good deed and you will be blessed with peace and satisfaction in life.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you who have engaged our services, thus, giving us an opportunity to donate part of the earnings, we would not have all these without the kind support from everyone. Thank you very much for the continuous support and we will try our best to help whoever we can, for as long as we can.
Best regards,
Rayden Sim
Tianlu Geomancy Pte Ltd