A Tribute To The Kind Donors & Families Who Have Donated
Dear friends, volunteers and supporters,
We have all done a great job this year!! Our customers, friends and family members joined us as Volunteers in this meaningful event and they were sweating quite a bit due to the weather and the packing of all the items. But, we can see from everyone’s eyes that although they were tired, but they were also very happy to have helped in every possible ways.
My sincere thanks and appreciation to all our Volunteers who have put in their hearts and souls in making our charity event a very successful and heartwarming one!! There were many Volunteers involved in this year’s event, our special thanks to Ms Boey Wuai Cheng and Mr Tiong Zhi Yuan for connecting us to Redhill Moral Senior Activity Center, Blk 89, Redhill Close, #01-448.
The planning for this event took about one and a half months, we were able to supply many essential items to about 90 pax of low income Senior Citizens staying around that area. We spent half a day at the Center, packing all the items into 180 bags meant for 90 pax, interacting with the Pioneer Generations there, playing Bingo, singing Karaoke, serving them buffet lunch that we catered specially for them and also bringing the items to many of those who are unable to carry it by themselves and also those who cannot join us because they are physically unfit to leave their homes.
We have also donated the remaining amount of our Charity Fund to support Man Fut Tong Lin Chee Cheng Sia Temple“萬佛堂莲池精舍” 14E/F Richards Avenue. Tel 62824966. The Temple is running a charity event at the end of the year to raise funds for the elderly at the Nursing Home who needs funding for their medical supplies.
May the Merits of such Good Deeds be transferred to all those good-hearted Volunteers and Donors to be blessed with great Health and Happiness for the rest of their lives!!
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you who have engaged our services, thus, giving us an opportunity to donate part of the earnings, we would not have all these without the kind support from everyone. This is the best way to benefit our customers by generating Good Merits for them and their families by using their names to do the donations, which will ultimately also benefit those who needs our support.
Best regards,
Rayden Sim
Tianlu Geomancy Pte Ltd